Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Justice4 Jesse

Featured in the photo above are Don and Donna Ross, the Parents of Missing from Illinois Loved One,  
Jesse 'Opie' Ross ... Justice4 Jesse

Jesse's Dad, Don Ross is also the Administrator of Justice4 the Justified ... which was created for and is committed to Peace4 the Missing members (plus) who are seeking JUSTICE for themselves and/or loved ones ... 

Justice is difficult (at best) to accomplish on your own ... which is precisely why we need your help in order to obtain Justice4 Jesse ... here are just two of MANY ways in which you and/or anyone is able to assist in these efforts.

#1 - Justice4 Jesse:  Please help us Wake Up CHICAGO!  

They NEED to become alerted to the fact that Jesse Ross is still Missing!!!  Jesse was last seen in Chicago ... Chicago is needed to help find Jesse Ross!

The Chicago Mayor's Office
121 N LaSalle St. #507
Chicago, IL 60602


Lt. Kevin Dillon
3510 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60653

Link to the Mayor of Chicago: http://mayor.cityofchicago .org/mayor/en.html
Online contact form: http://webapps.cityofchica go.org/eforms/org/cityofch icago/eforms/controller/contactUsForm/preFeedbackForm.do

** Any information regarding the disappearance of Jesse Ross, please contact the Chicago Police Department at: 312-744-8266 or send an email via form found on the following link ... http://findjesseross.com/index.php?option=com_qcontacts&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=57 **

#2 - Justice4 Jesse:  Help Establish June 18th as Illinois’s Official Missing and Unidentified Persons Awareness Day

Please help us in strongly urging the Governor of Illinois to recognize the great need for and feel the compassion necessary to make this happen.

Perhaps the fact that Governor Quinn is the Father of 2 Sons will further propel him to assist in these efforts being proposed by another Father of 2 Sons, Don Ross, of which 1 of his son's, Jesse 'Opie' Ross is Missing.

In order to best assist in please go to the following link for additional info on as well as a copy of the letter that Jesse's Mom and Dad, Don and Donna Ross, wrote to the Governor Pat Quinn ... http://peace4missing.ning.com/group/justice4thejustified/forum/topics/june-18th-as-illinoiss-missing

Jesse Warren Ross is the much Loved Son of Peace4 Member, Donald Ross.  Jesse has been Missing since: November 21, 2006 and was last seen at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Chicago, Illinois.  If you have any info. please both contact the Chicago Police Department at: (312) 744-8266 as well as Jesse's family via the online contact area they have set up on his website found here ... http://findjesseross.com/index.php?option=com_qcontacts&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=57

Jesse Ross - NamUs MP # 3028
https://www.findthemissing.org/cases/302 8/0/

NamUs.gov Missing Persons System - https://www.findthemissing.org/
Peace4 the Missing - http://peace4missing.ning.com/


  1. Sara it is yours to do with as you please. <3

  2. Donald Ross, Jesse's father and as the politicians say, I approve this message.
